Sunday, January 8, 2012


i know its a little late, and a little cliche, but i wanted to write about my resolutions for this year before I forgot.

sometimes it's easy to have a mile long list and get a little over overwhelmed and chicken out of your resolutions before you even begin.

for example:
be a better wife.
eat healthier.
cook more homemmade meals.
eat out less.
drink more water.
drink less soda.
no sweets.
more service.
more chores.
more kind words.
more patience.
more time with my husband.
More money saved
more more more!!!

Man oh man, I get exhausted just reading that list...

But it is definitely a list full of things I need to work on. So how do you whittle down the list to the most important things?

I think for me it comes down to doing the things that will definitely make me the most happy! Who wants to make a year long resolution to something that is going to make to unhappy and anxious every day? Not me, that's who! So I think I need to choose one resolution for each aspect of life. Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual!

So my top 4 resolutions are

1. Cook healthier meals, and promote healthy eating!

2. Have more patience and understanding when it comes to my husband and the little girls I work with. Lots of times it is easy to get frustrated before really understanding a situation and so having more patience is definitely needed in my life.

3. Have more charity and show more service to those around me.

4. Have a consistent work out routine and be confident in the body I was blessed with, but also be excited to work on improving the features that are unique to my body type :)

And there you have it! 4 easily manageable, yet still life changing resolutions. :)

I think this is the first year that I have been really excited about my goals and that today, 10 days into the new year, I have truly stuck to my goals and can already see and feel changes within myself :)

I hope to keep y'all updated on the successes of my goals and I hope to hear all about your goals!!

Good luck and happy New Year!! :)

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