Tuesday, November 14, 2017

October Update - Cam Eight Month

Hey, look! This blog is only 1 week late! #killingit I'm really making an effort to be more on top of my life. October was such a blast and also such a blur. I'm astonished that we are already half way through November... WHAT! Where did 2017 go?

Anyway, we started out the month with lots of play dates and time outside. It wasn't necessarily fall weather yet, but it wasn't sweltering either. Cam and Izzy both love Riverview park, and we spent plenty of nights having picnics and playing on the slides! Both kids also love riding in our little wagon, and we went on lots of morning walks together. Cam sits in his Bumbo and just thinks it's the best thing it the world sitting and riding right by his sister.

Cam can now crawl like a crazy person. He is so fast, and it's hilarious how he chases after what he wants. He can also sit himself up in 2 seconds and Izzy loves having a playmate, even if he mostly just slobbers on everything.

Along with sitting himself up, he has started pulling himself up on things, especially his crib. It startled me when I walked in to find Cam like this:

He thinks he is hilarious, and the funniest part is that he gets up, and it so proud of himself, but then he doesn't know how to move or even get down, so he just gets scared and starts to whimper until someone saves him. I know soon enough he will be walking along every piece of furniture we have, so for now, I kinda love that he's too afraid to move. And hey, maybe it means he will be a cautious little boy.

For my mom's birthday we spend the weekend up in Sedona. We went on a little hike, and spent time in the pool at the condo. We played outside all day and the kids loved all the fun parks. We ate super yummy food and just spent the whole weekend as a family. It was really nice that everyone schedules were free and we all were able to be up there with Mom. I especially loved going on a motorcycle ride with my dad through Oak Canyon! It would have been a perfect weekend, but poor Cam got so sick and it was so hard since we were in such a small condo and we didn't have any medicine or a humidifier, or anything and we had one rough night, and I just knew he would be happier at home. But my amazing parents offered to keep Isabel for the rest of the trip, and she had such a fun time. It was best for all of us since I could give all my attention to poor Cammer, and Izzy wasn't around the sickness. Cam started to feel better once we got home and had his rocking chair, and humidifier and lots of time to snuggle with his mom!

Halloween was a blast and we did tons with the kids. Mom and I took the kids to IHOP for monster pancakes and then we went to Trick or treat on Main Street which is always so fun! Izzy was the sweetest Ariel, and last minute we decided to get Cam a little skeleton costume! We met up with Alex for $3 Chipotle BOOritos, and then headed back to moms to get set up for our annual halloween potluck. We all get together and pass out candy and have yummy treat and just hang out all together in my moms front yard. Both sets of grandparents come, and Izzy has a blast passing out candy. I think she loves that more than trick or treating herself. The best tradition of all though, is getting to ride around on Papa's Rhino to all the best houses in the neighborhood. She loves it so much.

We recovered from Halloween by spending some days at home just hanging out together, and eating as much candy as we could handle.

Cam is at such a fun stage. He is so animated and giggly. He has the funniest laugh where he sounds like a dolphin, and it kills us. Izzy is the one who makes him laugh the most. He claps and plays patty cake and beats his hands on any surface he can reach. He will raise his hands up high in the air when you say "SO BIG!" or when you get the the "Throw it in the oven" part of patty cake. It's hilarious. He is babbling all day long, and mainly says "bababa" or "mamama" it's so fun. We love our sweet boy, and can't believe how big he is getting!

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